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There are different types of insects all countries of the world and some of them are scariest and some are friendly. They also look different is size, colors, and patters. Most of the pests are toxic and among them some are less and some are more. Their bites can hardly be tolerated by human or animals if it is allergenic and toxic. Pest Control service  Company has established some tricks and prevention methods to remove the pests of scarcities that cause harm to the people. Some pests are so scary and dreadful that if they bite peoples or animals that may cause instant death. Here in below the four scariest insects have been given in details:




  1. Bullet Ant : most of you have heard about the bullet ants and they are very dreadful. They bite with their toxic teeth and it gives severe pain in whole body parts rather the specified location. Its sting is very toxic and feels like a bullet when the ant bites on a spot of your body. It not only creates pain but also allergic effects. It last longer 10 hours where it was first bitten by the bullet ant. Some animals become the feed of these bullet ants if they find them helpless. They are seen in the rain forest countries like Bangladesh, Nicaragua and Paraguay. Its stings pain is more effective than a wasp or a honey bee. The ants that is one inch in size is known as “24 hour’s ant’ by locals. In a colony of bullet ants there are 100 members at a time. They are mostly found making nest on the center of large trees where people can hardly reach.


  1. Bot Fly : The south part of America and The central of it they are mostly found. This bot fly is called a toxic fly that cases great harm to us. The internal parasites of mammals are the origin of bot files larvae. You will be wonder to know that the bot flies live inside the skin of human and it is able to cause many fatal effects. The cell development of “myiasis’ is mainly interrupted by the affect and infection of this pest. A young female bot fly can lay eggs inside the skin of mammals. More than 60 days the larvae lives in sub dermal area of human skin and it comes from the penetrate area. The patients are quite able to realize the movement of the larvae beneath their skin. As soon as the larvae are developed they come out of the body of mammals or humans.

  2. Fire Ants : We are completely introduced with this fire ants and they cause great harm by their stings. The ants are known as fire because they are red in color and in the sun they look like a fire walking pests. They always remain in a group of hundred ants and if anyone steps on their colony they attack on them and bite them. The sting of fire ants is very painful and it last longer for a week. They sometimes create allergic problem by their sting and it causes for their toxic sting and it remains active for a week.

The fire ants are very effective and dangerous ants so far we know and to prevent from their attacks we must be careful in our footing steps. We need to inspect the colony of the ants before we stand anywhere or step on. If it is infested in any area we are anxious and trying to kill it as soon as possible. But to remove them from the root we need the help of pest control professionals who can prevent the fire ants from our house and area.




  1. Kissing Bug

Kissing bugs grow up by sucking blood of vertebrates. Kissing bugs named after their habit of biting the lip of human while they sleep . They also transmit parasite called as trypanosoma cruzi. The kissing bug disease or ‘changas’ kills 12000 people every year. The changa disease spread to animals and pets in the same way. The kissing bug bite result in instant changes within victim’s body such as welts and rashes.

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